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InspariskSmith, Buss & Jacobs LLPRosenwach Tank Co. LLCLiberty Elevator CorporationHi-Rise LaundryLifecycle RenewablesBest Energy PowerAll-Ways Elevator, Inc.H.S.C. Management Corp. AMORunwiseEXO Industries Corp.Select ExterminatingNational Maintenance Supply, Inc.The Cotocon GroupMeridian Capital GroupUtiliVisor
Rosenwach Tank Co. LLCInspariskLiberty Elevator CorporationBest Energy PowerEXO Industries Corp.RunwiseHi-Rise LaundryH.S.C. Management Corp. AMOAll-Ways Elevator, Inc.Smith, Buss & Jacobs LLPThe Cotocon GroupMeridian Capital GroupSelect ExterminatingNational Maintenance Supply, Inc.Lifecycle RenewablesUtiliVisor

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Doors Open for Attendee Check-in/Registration
9:00am - 4:30pm: Exhibit Hall Open/Food Court
Hundreds of exhibitors featured offering all types of co-op, condo and HOA services. If you get hungry, don't fret. Our conveniently located in-house food court offers a wide array of tasty snacks and light meals to keep you energized as you take in the Expo.
10:00am - 4:00pm: Educational Seminars
Industry professionals will present in-depth seminars designed to give attendees a wealth of insider information.
3:00pm - 4:30pm: Networking Mocktail Reception
Join us on the 3rd floor of the expo for a Networking Mocktail Reception where you can enjoy nonalcoholic refreshments while making in-person connections with colleagues and peers.
11:00am - 3:00pm: Free Advice Booths
Schedule Experienced professionals in fields ranging from law to finance to association maintenance will be on-hand throughout the show with advice and answers for both board members, managing agents and residents.
10:30am - 2:45pm: Local Law Resource Hub
Industry professionals will present discussions on current local laws designed for attendees to learn and ask questions.
10:45am - 12:45pm: Information Hub
Industry professionals will present current products and information designed for attendees to learn and ask questions.
10:45am - 11:15am: Exterminating Solutions:
Best practices and the most timely and safe products.
Sponsored by: Select Exterminating
11:30am - 12:00pm: Practical Pathways to Achieving Energy Compliance:
Strategies Designed for Radiator Heated Buildings
Sponsored by: Kelvin
12:15pm - 12:45pm: Local Law 88: Lighting & Submetering Compliance:
One-time report for buildings over 25,000 square-feet
Sponsored by: RKB

Local Law Resource Hub

10:30am - 11:00am - Local Law 11 ( Facade Inspection & Safety Program (FISP) )
Presented by: Harlem Property Management
11:15am - 11:45am - Local Law 157 ( Mandatory Natural Gas Detector Installation )
Presented by: ProSentry
12:00pm - 12:30pm - Local Law 97 ( Energy Efficiency & Greenhouse Emissions Limits )
Presented by: Runwise
12:45pm - 1:15pm - Local Law 126 ( Periodic Inspection of Parking Structures (PIPS) & Parapet Walls )
Presented by: New Bedford Management Corp.
1:30pm - 2:00pm - Local Law 1, 31 & 55 ( Lead Poisoning Prevention, Indoor Allergen Hazards - Mold, Mice, Roaches & Rats)
Presented by: Fluoro-spec, inc.
2:15pm - 2:45pm - Local Law 92 & 94 ( Roof Replacements & Green & Solar Roof Requirements for New Buildings )
Presented by: New York Green Roofs


10:00am - 11:00am, Room 1
Money Matters - Mortgage Markets, Interest Rates, & Smart Borrowing Strategies
Sponsored by: Meridian Capital Group
Unless you’re a lending expert, the process of securing funding for major projects or refinancing an underlying mortgage for a multifamily community can be daunting. There’s a lot to know, and the stakes are high. This information-rich presentation will offer professional insights, tips, and guidance on which products and strategies can help your board make the best borrowing moves for your building or HOA.

Steven Geller, Managing Director, Meridian Capital Group
Nicoletta M. Pagnotta, Senior Vice President, Meridian Capital Group
Avi Geller, Vice President, Meridian Capital Group

11:00am - 12:00pm, Room 2
Sun Solutions—Cutting Costs, Reducing Emissions, & Increasing Value in Your Building with Solar
Sponsored by: Best Energy Power
More and more multifamily buildings and HOAs are incorporating solar power into their operations to save money, reduce emissions, and be more resilient, but many still have questions about how to pay for and install solar technology in their own communities. This presentation will demystify the process, including financing and subsidies, installation, and how solar can help your building or HOA comply with Local Laws to avoid costly fines and penalties.

Speaker: Ronnie Mandler, Owner/President - Best Energy Power
12:00pm - 1:00pm, Room 1
Board Strategies for Resolving Challenges with Difficult Residents
Sponsored by: Schneider Buchel LLP
Interpersonal conflicts are inevitable in any Co-op, Condo, or HOA—whether between residents, residents and the board, or residents and management. While it may be tempting to stay out of these disputes, avoiding them can lead to escalating tensions, fractured communities, and even worse, costly litigation and sometimes liability to the community association. Join industry leader Marc H. Schneider, Esq. of Schneider Buchel LLP, as he shares expert strategies for de-escalating, mediating, and effectively managing conflicts. He will also discuss what happens when disputes cannot be resolved amicably and legal action becomes necessary. Gain practical insights you can apply in your efforts to resolve these disputes, as well as effective strategies when amicable resolution proves impossible.

Speaker: Marc H. Schneider, Esq.
1:00pm - 2:00pm, Room 2
A Fine Mess - Protecting Your Building from NYC Energy Fines

Sponsored by: The Cotocon Group

When it comes to legislation aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon and other emissions from multifamily residential buildings, NYC is at the forefront. That’s a good thing—but navigating the city’s complex array of Local Laws and other rules and restrictions can be confusing, and noncompliance can be costly. These subject matter experts will present property owners and managers with the knowledge and tools to ensure compliance and protect their assets.

Jimmy Carchietta, Founder & CEO
Joey Shiner – Head of Product
2:00pm - 3:00pm, Room 1
Dealing with Delinquencies – New Ways for Boards to Speed up the Collections Process

Sponsored by: Smith, Buss & Jacobs LLP

The 2019 Housing Stability Act caused major delays in collecting co-op arrears, and the COVID pandemic quintupled the problem. With the courts still backlogged and every shareholder entitled to an attorney to represent their interests in the process, boards need to know what tools and recourse they have to uphold their fiduciary duty and speed up collecting the monies owed. Condo boards have fewer tools than co-ops, but still must pursue arrears and keep their communities financially solvent. This important seminar will outline the leverage boards can use to speed up collections before going through a full foreclosure, what bylaw changes they can make to give them more help, and the resources available to guide them to a successful outcome.

Kenneth Jacobs, Partner - Smith, Buss & Jacobs LLP
Eric Blaha- Chair of the Legislation Subcommittee of the Co-op/Condo Committee of the NYC Bar Association

Ryan Houck, Associate, Smith, Buss & Jacobs LLP

3:00pm - 4:00pm, Room 2
In it Together - Improving Resident Engagement & Community Spirit

Sponsored by: The CooperatorNews New York.

In today's hectic, over-scheduled world, it is often a big challenge to get residents to take an interest in the governance and administration of the co-op & condos they call home. However, involved and engaged owners and shareholders are key to running a vibrant, cohesive community that actually feels like a community, and can face the challenges that inevitably arise. From improving communication, to creative social programming, to just getting people to attend annual meetings, this panel of management professionals will offer real-world advice and strategies to improve involvement and cohesion in your building or association.